Brain Fit Academy offers experiential courses and workshops that explore the root cause of developmental, emotional, and learning challenges. Target audiences include parents, teachers, and therapists.
The Brain Fit Academy model is based in Educational Kinesiology, which is drawing out innate intelligence using movement. Movement is important because it is the foundation of development and learning for all. Brain Fit believes in lifelong neuroplasticity — the brain can change at any age.
Through Brain Fit’s experiential courses and mentoring program, self-awareness and empowering tools are acquired in getting to the root cause of struggles and moving forward with ease.
This ONLINE, SELF-PACED Course begins January 15, 2025, with THREE OPTIONS to best meet your approach to learning!
- Are you looking for tools to help your child/student with focus and self-regulation?
- Does your child/student struggle with anxiety, impacting on their learning or socialization?
- Does homework time create stress for all?
- Are you, yourself looking for a tool to better cope with stress and to be your best?
If you said “yes” to any of these questions, this is the course for you!
Dive deep into the 26 Brain Gym movements that address the physical skills of learning. See how the movements bring about changes in focus, self-regulation, organization, comprehension, coordination, communication, memory, and more!
A wonderful stress management tool that supports people of all ages!
This is an ONLINE Course with additional options (See below)
BEGINS January 15, 2025
Participants have 6 months to complete the course.
Flexible, Self-Paced
Via Zoom, and in-person for OPTIONS 2 and 3 (see below)
Register and Pay Online — Brain Gym 104 – 26 Movements
Registration Is Open Until January 15th, 2025
First Ever! Online, Self-Paced, Brain Gym Training for Homeschool Parents.
- Are you looking for tools to help your child with focus and self-regulation?
- Does your child struggle with anxiety, impacting on their learning or socialization?
- Does your child struggle with sensory issues?
Along with enlightening information about how movement and our body midlines relate to behavior and learning, this parent training also offers follow along instruction to powerful movement activities to support learning, focus, organization, and more!
Start date is September 15 with 2 months to complete
Includes two live zoom sessions & resource handouts.
This is an ONLINE Course
BEGINS September 15, 2024
Participants have 2 months to complete the course.
Flexible, Self-Paced
Register and Pay Online — Brain Gym Training for Homeschool Parents
Brain Gym® is a movement based learning readiness program. Reduce anxiety, optimize brain power, and accelerate the learning curve with this powerful model.
Through the use of goal setting, self-noticing and movement, participants experience improved brain organization. Brain Gym® is empowering and can easily be used to move forward in achieving our goals and living life with ease at any age!
Three days are required to earn a certificate towards Brain Gym Licensure.
This is an In-Person Course
August 15, 16, 17, 2024
August 15, 2024
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM Daily
Brain Fit Academy
25 Westcott Road
Hopedale, MA 01747
Register and Pay Online — Brain Gym 101: Solving the Puzzle to Success
Is this program for you? Are you . . .
- A woman who is ready to get rid of the guilt and wants to break old, unhealthy patterns
- A woman who believes self-care is important, but struggles to follow through
- A woman who is intrigued by brain organization and how movement affects our brain/body system and wants to learn more
- A woman who wants more intention and purpose in her life
- A woman who strives to have more focus, presence, and organization
- A woman who is searching for a better understanding of her child’s challenges
- A woman looking for space, guidance, and support to do all this
In this group Mentoring Program, you will learn and experience the basis of this incredible work through both formal training and many opportunities for experiential and customized sessions.
This 5-month opportunity and commitment begins with participating in a foundational 3-day, experiential class. This class explores the 3 components that are the basis to this mentoring program. These include goal setting, self-awareness / noticing and movement activities that develop, organize, and unblock brain processing. This class is based on the principles of Educational Kinesiology / Brain Gym. See more about Brain Gym.
Foundational In-person Class:
November 3, 4, and 5, 2023
8:30am – 4:30pm ALL THREE DAYS
— PLUS —
9:00am – Noon
December 3, 2023
January 7, 2024
February 4, 2024
March 3, 2024
— PLUS —
1-Hour Monthly Zoom Sessions
(Schedule to Be Determined by the Group)
— PLUS —
One Individual Session with Pam
(Schedule to Be Determined)
. . . and MORE (See: More Details)
Brain Fit Academy
25 Westcott Road
Hopedale, MA 01747
Register and Pay Online — Group Mentoring Program for Women
An Experiential Brain-Based Workshop Series
Come join me for an interactive, life-changing workshop series! Each workshop builds on the one before, with opportunities to incorporate what you learn between sessions. Let’s do this ladies!
Workshop 1 – The Power of Pause: How We Move in Order to Slow Down
In today’s busy, go-go society, it can be difficult or even uncomfortable to just stop in the moment. What is often overlooked, however, is the importance of this “pause” and the many opportunities that occur in these moments. This workshop offers a dynamic model to further explore this concept, and to have a better understand our own patterns. Practical tools that enable us to slow down to move forward in our best way will also be shared.
Session Choices —
Dates and Times to Be Announced
Workshop 2 – Bridging the Gap from Surviving to Thriving
This workshop focuses on understanding the stress response on a deeper level and how we can take control of it. Using this knowledge along with simple, yet powerful tools, we can shift from survival, protective mode and to a state of more confidence and connection.
Session Choices —
Dates and Times to Be Announced
Workshop 3 – Our Movements and Our Behaviors: Why Movement Patterns Matter
In this workshop, the 3 midlines of the body and how they relate to the brain and our behaviors will be explored. Our bodies offer fascinating and important insight as to our state of neuro-organization. Through simple self-noticing activities, a clearer understanding as to where the “blocks” lie emerges. We are then more easily able to move them out of our way!
Session Choices —
Dates and Times to Be Announced
Workshop 4 – Primitive Reflexes: An Underlying Force Behind Anxiety
This workshop offers an overview of our deep automatic primitive patterns that can affect our emotional resilience. Primitive reflexes are automatic, stereotyped movement patterns, directed by the brain stem. They are essential for a baby’s survival in the first few weeks of life. These networks provide rudimentary training for sensory processing, the ability to cope with stress and are the basis for postural stability that supports learning. If these reflex patterns did not integrate effectively, it can cause the nervous system to be sensitive, hypervigilant and at risk for self-regulation challenges. The great new is, the nervous system can change and grow even as an adult!
Session Choices —
Dates and Times to Be Announced
Workshop 5 – Change your Story – Change your Life
Self-talk matters. That said, it’s not always easy to find and use words that lift us up. In this workshop, we will explore possible blocks that can interfere with finding positive, integrative language and tools to shift the energy in our bodies and gain access to our more playful self.
Session Choices —
Dates and Times to Be Announced
Workshop 6 – Finding your Creativity through Whole Brain Access
Creativity is not only about art. The skill of creativity empowers us in many ways, including adaptability, problem solving, relationship building and stress management. This workshop will explore ways to access this skill through activating the whole brain.
Session Choices —
Dates and Times to Be Announced
Dates and Times: To Be Announced.
LOCATION for ALL the Workshop Sessions in the Series Will Be —
Brain Fit Academy
25 Westcott Road
Hopedale, MA 01747
ALL 6 Workshops —
To Attend EITHER Fridays OR Sundays
$300.00 per Person ($50 per Session)
“Pick-And-Choose” —
Ala carte choices for both Workshops (1 to 6) AND Sessions (Friday or Sunday)
$65.00 per Person per Session